A criminal defense philosophy: There is no such thing as a small case.

Lauren has handled cases ranging from death eligible multi-defendant RICO murder to complex tax prosecutions. She has challenged issues ranging from the constitutionality of statutes to conditions of supervised release. Her litigation has resulted in published opinions and has changed the law. She has also vigorously litigated and tried misdemeanor and low-level felony cases. Every case means the world to the individual involved and their loved ones. Every client deserves zealous and creative advocacy. Lauren approaches every case and every client with the same level of professionalism and care, whether a client is charged with driving under the influence or murder.


Lauren is passionate about the work she does. Being accused of a crime or becoming the target of a criminal investigation can be a terrifying experience and can forever alter the trajectory of a person’s life, shatter their family and end their career. Lauren is a tireless advocate for her clients and works tenaciously and diligently to obtain the best possible outcome in every case. Lauren is an effective negotiator as well as a fearless trial lawyer and both skill sets serve her clients well. Lauren works with a network of other professionals —other lawyers, investigators and experts — to provide each client with the best defense possible.


Most people who hire a criminal defense lawyer have no idea what to expect. Lauren will take the time to explain what you can expect during each stage of your case. Lauren will make sure you understand what will happen at each hearing and the steps Lauren will be taking in preparing your case. With your input, Lauren will arrive at a strategy for approaching your case that will help you feel in control.


Lauren understands that facing a criminal allegation can be a humiliating and terrifying experience. Her job is to help you get the best possible outcome and to guide you through a difficult and scary process. Lauren will never judge you and will always treat you with respect.

Creativity in Sentencing

Many criminal cases end up in sentencing. Lauren is a pioneer in creative sentencing advocacy. She is also passionate about using media in sentencing to bring her client's world into a sterile courtroom. Sentencing is an art and a science. Lauren conducts thorough mitigation investigations, uses social science, gathers support letters, uses experts, and lines up witnesses to present a compelling argument for the lowest possible sentencing. Lauren is also very passionate about using sentencing documentaries in the right cases. She works with a renowned mitigation filmmaker to produce sentencing documentaries for clients. She has received first place in the federal defender film festival for one of her sentencing documentaries. Sentencing documentaries are a powerful way to tell a client's story and vividly portray the world that will be shattered by a custodial sentence. They also serve as a humane way to allow children to be part of the sentencing process, sparing them the experience of watching a loved one be sentenced while also allowing them to participate in advocating on behalf of a loved one.